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Norwegian shrimp trawler Ishavet
Vónin Storm trawldoors
Vónin Storm trawldoors

Ishavet on successful shrimp trip

The Norwegian trawler Ishavet has been double trawling for shrimps in the Barents Sea and is on its way to Tromsø to discharge the catch.

Ishavet has caught the shrimps with two 3200 meshes Vónin Novaja shrimp trawls and 14m2 Vónin Storm trawl doors.

The skipper Reidar Nygård says he is very happy with the performance of the gear – the trawls and trawl doors work very well together.

Ishavet is former Volstad and was built in 2013 and has an overall length of 75 mtrs and a beam of 15,4 mtrs

Vónin Novaja shrimp trawl
Vónin Novaja trawl
Vónin shrimp grid
Vónin shrimp grid

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