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First class service

Apart from manufacturing high quality fishing gear we also find it of great importance to provide a first class service that meets the needs of our clients. Vónin has service points strategically placed in the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canada, and Norway.

We offer a 24 hours 7 days a week standby service.

You can always reach us on tel. +298 474 200.

Repairs and maintenance

With our experienced employees and good facilities we are able to do around the clock repairs and maintenance on all trawls, purse seine nets and footgear.

Trawl hotel

At our trawl hotel in Fuglafjørður we offer to store your fishing gear for the off season. The fishing gear is stored  well protected and is registered in the Trawl-Log so you get a full overview on your phone or computer of the fishing gear you have at your disposal.

In stock

A wide range of accessories always on stock such as rope, hooks, chain, shackles, swivels, netting etc.

Wire and trawl warp tension

We offer a spooling setup that tensions new trawl warps and wires as they are taken on board. Running the trawl warps through the tension system as they are put onto the winch drums for the first time has shown to make a noticeable difference to the working lifetime of a set of trawl warps. The wire is kept under precise tension throughout the spooling, and is also laid neatly on to the winch drums. We can handle wires up to 44mm with a tension of 18 tons.

Talurit presses and wire splicing

For making eyes on steel wires Vónin has talurit presses and mobile wire vises to hand splice the steel wires.

Ready made

It is crucial that the footgear is mounted correctly on the trawls otherwise there is a possibility that the trawl will not function properly. For your convenience we offer the service to mount the footgear on the trawls so it is ready for use.


Vónin also offers know-how in technical and practical matters and we can provide experts to come out with the fishing vessels to train the crew when needed.


With our trucks we are able to provide quick and efficient transportation of fishing gear.


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