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for ekstreme miljøer

Det ekstreme miljøet på Færøyene og Nord-Norge har presset utviklingen av oppdrettsutstyr. Fiendtlig vær, sterk strøm, høye bølger og voldsom frost gir utstyret noen alvorlige utfordringer.

Fishing with Faroese trawler Christian í Grótinum
Finnur Fríði on Blue Whiting

Vónin Zenith 10% catch boost
Tummas T fishing for Herring and Mackerel
Pair trawling with Bakur and Stelkur
Høgaberg trawling for blue whiting
Fuglafjørður – the pelagic center in the North Atlantic
Drone video of Akraberg
Vónin Tornado trawl doors 3D manual
Vónin Storm trawl doors 3D manual
New Regina C
Bacalao bottom trawl with Fortis
Granit triple trawling for shrimps
Regina C shrimp trawling in Greenland
Nordborg Purse Seining for Capelin
Jupiter picking up purse seine net
Salmon farm in the Faroe Islands
The magnificent trawler Granit
Christian í Grótinum towing Vónin gear for Blue Whiting
Pair team Tuugaaliq and Steffen C uses Vónin gear
Vónin Shrimp Grid
Seal enters a trawl for a free meal
The Flexi Grid from Vónin
m/v Fagraberg – Blue Whiting codend
m/v Fagraberg – Good catch of Blue Whiting
60 tons of Argentine (Greater Silver Smelt)

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